Investor Types
There are various types of investors that are active across Africa. This section provides a brief overview of each type of funder, including typical funding amounts and non-financial benefits that you can expect from each type of funder.
Member organisations that recruit individuals with spare cash who are interested in investing in small businesses.
Well-known financing entities that are typically wary of investing in small companies; some, however, are looking to lend to more small businesses.
Companies that fund small businesses as part of their corporate social responsibility drive or set up own venture funds.
Organisations that fund projects or companies that are within their sector of focus; typically, philanthropic in nature.
Varied group of funders that look for social/ environmental returns in addition to/instead of financial returns on their investment.
Work with early-stage start-ups to help them refine their idea/product, and coach them on how to realize their vision.
These new types of funders use either data stored on customers’ phones, or online forms to determine their creditworthiness.
Companies that raise outside capital to invest in later-stage businesses, often funding deals of millions of dollars.
Local, federal, and international organisations that have a mandate to promote entrepreneurship or fund small businesses.
Companies that raise outside capital to invest in small businesses and start-ups.
Online or mobile platforms that allow companies and projects to raise funding from (typically) a large group of investors.
Entrepreneurs can struggle to find out how to contact funders when they figure out who they would like to approach. Here are a few tips from investors and entrepreneurs.