Egypt Information and Communication Technology Trust Fund

The main objective of Egypt ICT Trust Fund is to support Egypt's environmental and socioeconomic development program. The Egypt ICT Trust Fund main work are: Local Economic Development (LED) offers local government, the private and not-for-profit sectors, and local communities the opportunity to work together to improve the local economy. It focuses on enhancing competitiveness, increasing sustainable growth and ensuring that growth is inclusive.

Social Empowerment strives to empower people with professional skills and knowledge to motivate them to take steps towards improving their own lives and tackling the challenges of the 21th century as active responsible citizens. ICT4D interventions in different fields namely, education, health, social awareness and environment conservation, are uniquely designed to contribute to a set of long-term strategic objectives including; bridge the digital gab, achieving better livelihood for the Egyptian, and building knowledge society for the prosperity and well-being of Egyptian citizens using ICTs. South-South Cooperation (SSC) is the sharing of experience and skills between two or more developing countries.

Financial & FinTech
Mobility, Transport & Logistics
Capital Types
Provider Types
Impact Investor
Public / Semi-public